Batman [1966]
Okay, so last night my little cousin and I watched one of the original batman movies. Yes, like the second one, ever. I’m talking about 1966 with Adam West and that strange skinny kid who played Robin. Overall, we’d have to give it four out of five stars. Personally, I think that if you’re a fan of comic books, superheroes, old flicks and amazing vocabulary, this movie is for you. If you’ve seen it, I’d love to hear what you think. [Fyi: that means, comment me.]
Plot Summary:
When the four greatest arch super-criminals ever to plague Gotham City join forces, their only objective can only be the entire world! Armed with Penguin-personalized a pre-atomic submarine, an army of ruthless pirates, exploding sharks and octopi, and an arsenal of polaris missiles, the Penguin, the Joker, the Riddler and Catwoman have set their sights on the United World Security Council! Can the dynamic duo, Batman and Robin, stop the United Underworld before it’s too late? Will they save the Security Council from almost certain dehydration? Can they possibly save the free world from the four most powerful villains it has ever seen?
A Review:
A wise man once said "The 60s Batman movie is the greatest ever." I should know, because I was that wise man.
OK, it might not be the greatest movie, but it is one of the awesomest movies ever. Only in 'Batman' could intelligent writers come up with some of the most illogical situations and cheesiest dialog committed to screen.
A Yacht disappears in Gotham Harbour ("How can a yacht simply disappear... unless, it was never really there!"). On board was a 'superdehydrator', a machine that can extract the moisture from any living being, and in of the most logical displays of logic ever, Batman and friends logically come to the (correct) conclusion that the culprits are the combined forces of Penguin, Joker, the Riddler and Catwoman, apparently intent on world domination.
'Batman is scene-after-scene of pure brilliance - great situations, and the greatest dialog ever. 'Batman' is very funny, but only if you appreciate and enjoy the style, otherwise you will hate it. But only those who lack a sense of awesomeness would not like it, and who is really so un-awesome, that they can't even find the captioned fights just that little bit amusing?
Adam West: Bruce Wayne/BATMAN
Burt Ward: Dick Grayson/Robin
Lee Meriwether: The Cat woman
Cesar Romero: The Joker
Burgess Meredith: The Penguin
Frank Gorshin: The Riddler.
1 comment:
Heh we watched that together.
It was a nice plot, though the lack of special affects lessoned the rating. Also the Batman large vocabulary made him seem smart at times "Criminal Conundrums."
His sentences, were pretty smart, but he did sound stupid at times.
He(talking about a dolphin) sacrificed his life for ours.
Overall the movie was okay though, nice fight scenes, nice plot, and great ideas for hiding the plan.
3 out of 5.
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